Proven Kelpies sold with my breeders guarantee
1st June- News

  • Autumn Wiltshire clinic October 20th ( Details at the bottom of the page )

  • Two new imports from Australia are planned for the autumn of this year, updates to follow!

  • Intensive training is now being booked for early summer!

  • 2024 NSA Sheep Event. Kelpie demonstration to take place with Tracy Huxtable of Devonairs Kelpie stud and myself.
  •  We will be promoting the (WKC) Working Kelpie council of Australia. 
2024 Sheepdog Clinics
(Different breeds welcome)
       Wiltshire  October 20th - £95 per person (2 dog limit) spectators £25 Includes lunch and light refreshments.

I only run single days as this is ample for most people!



Lokabe Boss's sire Eulooka Inman (photo below)





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